Wednesday 30 May 2018

New Multi-Agency Partnership for Blackhall Colliery

At the Blackhall PACT meeting held two weeks ago we reported that we'd received complaints from local residents at our ward surgeries that monthly PACT meetings were becoming bogged down with council and housing-related issues when they were really meant to deal with crime and disorder incidents and other police-related matters. We also spoke about how we thought a local broad-based partnership would help to more effectively address a number of anti-social and environmental issues linked primarily to tenants of properties in the private rented sector (please see post dated Friday 18 May 2018 for further details).

We said at the PACT meeting that we would establish a local partnership group as soon as possible so we're delighted to report that the first meeting of the new Blackhall Multi-Agency Partnership (MAP) took place this morning at the Resource Centre in Middle Street. Alongside us both we had representation from the parish council, local PCSO's, police, environmental and neighbourhood wardens and the county council's private sector housing office. The local residents' representative wasn't able to attend on this occasion due to prior commitments, and representation from accredited private sector landlords in the village will be invited to future meetings.

This morning's initial meeting was held with the primary purpose of establishing a number of key issues and objectives: 
  • Build a profile of the location(s) most closely associated with the problems raised at recent PACT meetings. This would include a breakdown of all properties into type of tenure (for example owner-occupied, social-rented sector and private-rented sector)
  • Establish an accurate picture of the nature and extent of anti-social and environmental issues reported in that particular location
  • Consider which measures are most appropriate in dealing with local issues as and when they arise. This includes our previously stated aim of establishing a Selective Licensing Scheme which will cover all private sector landlords in the village, and also short-term measures to address reported anti-social and environmental problems in the interim period
  • Establish a clear reporting and recording mechanism for all incidents. This has begun already with the distribution of leaflets containing contact information for each type of incident and responsible agency
  • Build a strong and effective communication network to ensure that all reported and recorded incidents are dealt with efficiently from a single point of contact

Members of the partnership have agreed to adopt a "time-limited project" approach for an initial 6-month period with the aim of meeting at least once a month and also on an ad hoc basis. We've also agreed to continue our regular walkabouts in the village to monitor the development and impact of the initiatives identified in the list above. We will report on progress and significant developments as and when they arise.

Please note that the new Blackhall MAP described above is a representative co-ordinating body and is not intended to replace either the regular Blackhall PACT meetings or our monthly ward surgeries.

Monthly PACT meetings will continue as advertised, giving residents the opportunity to speak directly to police representatives about neighbourhood crime and disorder incidents or other police-related matters.

Our monthly ward surgeries will also continue as they are, giving residents the opportunity to meet with us face to face to discuss any local, council-related matters they might have (please see post dated Friday 27 April 2018 for full details of times, dates and venues).