Monday 15 January 2018

Tackling environmental issues in Blackhall Colliery

Following environmental concerns raised with us recently by a number of residents we arranged for officers from all relevant sections of the council to visit the village to see for themselves the locations worst affected.

The approach to the Scheme Houses

Most of the issues reported to us related to litter, dog fouling, fly-tipping and the condition of some private sector rented properties in the village - particularly back yards - so we asked for representatives from the neighbourhood wardens, police, anti-social behaviour unit, private sector office and the clean and green team to go on a walkabout with us around the village.

The main locations highlighted by residents for attention included Hardwick Street, West Street, West Avenue, the approach to the Scheme Houses, East Street, some of the back lanes between First Street and Eleventh Street, open spaces and a number of individual properties throughout the village.

The back lane between Ninth & Tenth Streets

Following the walkabout we got together in the Resource Centre where officers listened to our particular concerns (as expressed to us by residents) and set to work on drafting an action plan to tackle a number of the issues raised. Already officers have confirmed by email that the following items and incidents have been reported to the relevant sections and agencies for their attention:

Hi All,

By way of feedback from todays walkabout at Blackhall.

The following jobs have been entered on to our system;

* Sixth street – Dog waste in rear yard.

* Seventh Street – Waste in rear yard

* Seventh Street – Armchair fly tipped in front street outside address.

* Ninth Street – Waste in rear yard and graffiti on the wall of outhouse.

* Tenth Street – Dog waste in rear yard

East Street/Chickens Green – Litter pick requested along the entire length of the hedge/fence line which parallels the train tracks
Incidents of graffiti at First Street and Bluebell Close have also been reported for removal:

Graffiti job logged for * First Street, Blackhall (verbal consent given)

* Bluebell Close - EDH will raise a job with DCC for removal as per their agreement
Graffiti at First Street/Rear-Middle Street

Officers will monitor those initiatives from today's meetings and we'll continue to report on progress.