Wednesday 10 May 2017

Information on dog poisoning reports proving elusive

A few days ago we wrote about a reported incident of dog poisoning at a location near to the Hackworth Road Industrial Estate in Blackhall Colliery (please see post date Sunday 30 April 2017 for background details).

Despite making several enquiries since then with relevant agencies we have not been able to unearth any real meaningful information which would identify the cause of death of the dogs involved. Perhaps this is understandable given that it appears there has been only one report received by the police and that any investigation into the cause of death is a private matter between the owner and the veterinary surgeon.

However, dog owners are understandably concerned about this incident and need more detailed information about what happened to cause the deaths of the dogs at this location and also to put their minds at rest about the safety of their pets. 

We will continue to press for more information about this incident. In the meantime we have received the following email from the head of countryside services at the council which sets out the current position:

Good afternoon Cllrs

As far as I can make out after lengthy discussion with internal colleagues and the Police, it is difficult to comment further until accurate information is received either from the Police (who have interviewed the original complainant), or other detail is received. 

It seems to me that the existing information is rather sketchy, nothing has been found on site, and we have no hard information relating to what, if at all, the problem is.  The Police have received only one complaint, relating to one dog belonging to a local gentleman.

We will update when more information comes to light.

Kind regards