Friday 21 April 2017

Residents' concerns about access to the Castle Eden crematorium site

Concerns have been raised locally about the recently re-opened access route to the former A19 at Castle Eden which had previously been made subject to a Traffic Regulation Order to prohibit vehicles and prevent serious illegal activities at the site. The road is also intended to serve as access to the controversial Castle Eden crematorium (please see posts dated Tuesday 24 May 2016 & Friday 30 December 2016 for background information and full details of our objections as submitted to the planning inspector).

We have contacted the planning case officer at county hall today to express local concerns and to ask for the site to be once again made secure against trespass. We have published full details below:

Last night, at the monthly meeting of Castle Eden parish council, members raised concerns about open access to the old A19 which also serves as access to the site of the proposed Castle Eden crematorium.

It is reported that two 2-ton stone slabs, placed in that location to prevent access to the site, have been moved aside thereby leaving access to the old A19 open to the public. As you are aware this site has historically been associated with serious illegal sexual activities. Members of the parish council, along with the residents of Castle Eden, are understandably alarmed at this development so soon after assurances were given that the site would remain secure against such activities. 

I would be grateful if you would contact Dignity plc to remind them of their responsibility to the people of Castle Eden in ensuring that access to this site remains fully secured at all times. I understand that the parish clerk is to contact the police today about this problem.

In addition, members of the parish council also raised questions last night about the timescale involved in Dignity plc meeting the conditions attached to planning permission granted on appeal to construct a crematorium at a location adjacent to the site mentioned above. I would be grateful if you could advise accordingly.

We will report on developments with this matter in due course.