Wednesday 19 April 2017

Crimdon litter-picking event this Sunday

The Crimdon Project Officer from the Heritage Coast Partnership is organising a litter-picking event to take place at Crimdon this coming Sunday, 23 April.

Depending on its initial success it is hoped that Sunday's litter-pick could develop into a regular monthly event. 

We'll both be there to lend a hand, along with members of the Crimdon Heritage Group, so please make every effort to come along and play a part in keeping Crimdon clean and tidy!

We have published below all the details we have received about Sunday's event:

We will be meeting on Sunday next to the warden’s hut just past Pony World. Session will run from 1:30pm – 3:30pm to fit with tide times. If people wish to turn up a few minutes before that’s fine and they can stay for as long or as little time as they can spare. They just need to dress for the weather, I will have everything else such as litter pickers, bags and gloves.

If people want to stay up to date with our events and information they can follow us on Facebook at