Sunday 23 April 2017

Great turnout for the Crimdon Beach Clean Event

We couldn't have wished for better weather for the first Beach Clean litter picking event this afternoon at Crimdon.

A group of keen volunteers gathered at the warden's hut at 1.30pm to distribute the litter picking equipment and prepare for a couple of hours clearing the sand dunes of rubbish and debris. Hopefully today's turnout was sufficient to establish the clean-up as a regular monthly event, and it's quite obvious from the rubbish collected that it's needed! 

In the coming few days we'll be contacting the council's Clean and Green team, along with the Countryside Rangers, to arrange a coordinated approach to collecting the litter along the top of the promenade area and also on the beach itself.

In the longer term we'll be looking closely at the outcome of the Crimdon Investment Project scheme to see which measures can be taken to better address litter issues along this part of the Durham coast as part of a wider business plan to kick-start the regeneration of Crimdon.

In the meantime we will continue to work with members of the Crimdon Heritage Group to ensure as far as possible that where litter is found it will be collected without delay.