Sunday 22 January 2017

Progress with the Hesleden War Memorial project

Yesterday morning the Blackhalls Local History Group and Monk Hesleden Parish Council held a second open day at Hesleden Methodist Chapel to finalise their plans to erect a war memorial in the village (please see posts dated Sunday 4 September 2016 & Sunday 15 January 2017 for background details).

Despite the cold, dull and damp weather there was a strong turnout from residents keen to give their views on where the memorial should be located. From a choice of five options there was one which stood out among the rest as the preferred option, and this was for the monument to be erected near to the eastern entrance to the village.

From the architect's plans this would mean that modifications would be made to the cemetery boundary fence to make room for the memorial, alongside a seating and garden area. This would allow for easy access, using land which already belongs to the parish council, and also make use of existing capacity in the cemetery grounds. The memorial would also be easily visible from the main road, in a prominent and appropriate location.

We have already secured the funding required for the memorial so all that remains now is for the parish council and local history group to finalise plans for its construction.

As soon as they are completed we will publish final plans showing the memorial in its preferred location. We will also update on progress at regular intervals.