Monday 5 December 2016

Blackhall Christmas Tree lighting ceremony

The residents of Blackhall and Blackhall Rocks braved the cold this evening to come along to the annual ceremony to light the parish council Christmas tree at Chicken's Green in Blackhall Colliery.

Cllr Gaynor Crute, parish council chair, started off this ever popular festive event by introducing the children of Blackhall Colliery primary school and St Joseph's RCVA primary school who then sang a selection of Christmas carols with their usual enthusiasm. Fr Jackson then offered the customary blessing before leading the children in a countdown to the lighting up of the tree.

Many thanks go to the clerk, chairman, staff and members of Monk Hesleden Parish Council for their efforts in pulling the event together, and particular thanks go to the pupils and staff from both Blackhall Colliery and St Joseph's primary schools for adding something special to a ceremony which continues to grow each year in popularity.