Wednesday 7 December 2016

Hesleden Christmas Tree lighting ceremony

After the Christmas tree lights were switched on at Blackhall Colliery on Monday evening it was Hesleden's turn last night to light up their tree, and once more the people of Hesleden did the village proud with a magnificent turnout.

The chairman of the parish council, Cllr Gaynor Crute, welcomed everyone to the event by introducing the staff and pupils from Hesleden Primary School who, despite the bitter cold, came along once again in their numbers to entertain residents gathered around the tree.

Following a selection of seasonal favourites, performed with their usual enthusiasm by the pupils of Hesleden Primary School, the Rev Susan Richardson led the countdown to the switching on of the tree lights.

As ever, thanks go to the clerk, staff and members of Monk Hesleden Parish Council for organising the Christmas tree lighting ceremony, and also to the Rev Susan Richardson who can be guaranteed to bring along plenty of enthusiasm and cheer to any community event.

However a very special thank you goes to the staff and pupils of Hesleden Primary School for their magnificent carol singing which once again got the festive season well and truly under way in some style!