Sunday 6 November 2016

Planning application for housing development at Blackhall

Although we have yet to receive any formal notification from the council, we have been made aware that a planning application for a housing development adjacent to the B1281 at Blackhall has been submitted to the planning department at county hall for consideration (please see post dated Friday 16 September 2016 for background information).

The county planning committee will make the final decision in due course on whether or not this planning application should be approved. If you have an opinion on this application it is essential that you register your comments, either for or against the proposal, with the planning department as soon as possible using the link below (this link will also direct you to all the relevant information, plans, surveys etc. associated with this application):

If you have any questions about the proposal that you would like to put to the agent acting on behalf of the applicant please contact: 

Craig Stockley: email: or telephone: 01325 628 109

PLEASE NOTE: When planning applications of this nature are open to consultation and public comment we always try to frame our own formal comments in a way that most accurately reflects local opinion. 

With that in mind we intend to reserve our own formal written submission until the end of the consultation period when we might be able to identify a clear local viewpoint on this proposal.