Wednesday 26 August 2015

Meeting with residents to tackle access issues at Sawmill Avenue, Crimdon

Yesterday we met with residents at Sawmill Avenue, Crimdon to talk about a number of ongoing issues they have with access and traffic in the area. We asked someone from the county council's highways section to come along too for advice on what might be done to address residents' concerns.

The first problem related to the difficulty residents have turning onto the drive at the front of Sawmill Avenue. This is caused in part by vehicles blocking access as they queue to pull out of Crimdon Holiday Park onto the A1086 Coast Road at The Seagull junction. 

Faded road markings at The Seagull and Coast Road junction, Sawmill Avenue, Crimdon
Road markings advising drivers to keep this area clear have become worn so we have asked that they be reinstated without delay.

Other issues included the poor current siting of the free-standing street direction sign and other signage and we have arranged for these to be relocated to a safer place. 

Finally, the area between the front of the properties at Sawmill Avenue and the public pavement is also in poor condition because of the persistent disturbance of the land by different utilities companies. As this land is in county council ownership we have asked highways officers for it to be resurfaced to restore it to a more acceptable standard.