Tuesday 2 December 2014

Update on street lighting issues between Hesleden and Blackhall

For over two years now we have been publishing posts on this site giving details of our ongoing campaign to have the street lights returned to the roads connecting our villages (please see our most recent post dated 19 November 2014 for background details).

As requested we have now received a quote from an officer at Durham County Council to have street lights reinstated on a relatively short stretch of road between Blackhall Rocks and High Hesleden. 

We had asked for a realistic estimate so we were staggered when we received the council's response. We thought that you might be too so we have reproduced the email below in full so that you can see for yourselves the extent of the problems we face in having our lights reinstated:


Please find attached a quotation to reinstate the street lighting at Mickle Hill Road between High Hesledon and Blackhall Rocks.

We have quoted for two options:
·         New Scheme to meet British Standards £100,923
·         Using Existing Infrastructure – which is not able to meet British Standards £108,722

The quotation includes a commuted sum for electricity, maintenance and lifecycle replacement costs over 60 years. Because the existing columns are 32 years old this results in greater lifecycle replacement costs.

It should be noted of course that we have simply asked for 15 lights to be reconnected yet we have been given an estimate that has more in common with Blackpool Illuminations than Blackhall!

We will now arrange a further meeting on site with highways officers to make sure that they fully understand our requirements and, as ever, we'll keep you informed of developments as they arise.