In our most recent post about progress with works to correct the landslip on the A1086 between Blackhall Colliery and Horden (dated 10 November 2014) highways officers suggested to us that works ought to be completed within weeks of that date.
Given that the estimated completion date is rapidly approaching we asked highways officers at county hall for another update and we have published their response below in full:
Construction Manager has just advised that the bus shelter hard standing is
programmed next week and the barrier will recommence week after therefore all
works except possibly the bus shelter will be complete by 5th December.
The main cause for the delay from previously advised is due to the gas board
having more repairs to do than anticipated and for two weeks due to the close
proximity of their works and ours it was not possible to work in the same area
at the same time.
We will continue to maintain contact with the highways section in order to keep you up to date with progress.