Saturday 26 July 2014

Castle Eden crematorium appeal: Further objections sent to planning inspector

From recent posts on this site you will be aware that Dignity plc has lodged an appeal with the planning inspector against the decision by the strategic planning committee at Durham County Council to refuse consent for a crematorium on land opposite the former brewery at Castle Eden (please see post dated Friday 18 July 2014 for background details).

As part of the appeals process we have decided to reiterate our original objection to the application and we have reproduced our comments below for information.

We would urge all those concerned to contact the planning inspector direct to submit their objections. One of the strongest arguments at our disposal during the planning process earlier this year was the strength, and unity, of local public opinion against this application. We would like to take that show of community cohesion into the appeals hearing.

Please make sure that you submit your comments by Tuesday 19 August making sure that you use the correct reference numbers as shown.

Further information on the appeals process is available at:

Re: Application: CE/13/01660/FPA/PGH

Case ref: APP/X1355/A/2221052

We wish to reiterate our formal objection to the above planning proposal for a crematorium at land opposite the Former Brewery at Castle Eden as submitted as part of the planning process.

In noting the vast number of objections submitted by residents we remain steadfastly opposed to the proposed development (we also note that there were no submissions from residents in support of the application).

We fully support the decision of the strategic planning committee of Durham County Council to refuse the application on the grounds stated in the refusal notice. We have serious and genuine concerns about the impact of the development on the general amenity of residents, road users and the wider community and we have specific concerns about traffic generation, anti-social behaviour and security issues in the area should the appeal be upheld. These last two factors relate to the proposed reopening of the access road which was closed some years ago to eliminate serious illegal behaviour at this location.

We feel that the applicant/appellant failed to sufficiently demonstrate the sustainability element of the development or to prove the case for need. We also consider that the site selection process carried out by the applicant/appellant was flawed and inadequate.

Finally we are particularly worried about health and safety implications of the development, specifically those associated with straying golf balls from the Castle Eden Golf Club immediately adjacent to the development site. Despite serious consideration we are not able to see a resolution to this matter and we feel strongly that this cannot be simply subjected to conditions imposed on any consent.


Cllr Rob Crute & Cllr Lynn Pounder, Blackhall Division, Durham County Council.