Friday 8 November 2013

Crematorium consultation in Castle Eden

We have been made aware of a public consultation exercise to be held next week regarding an initial proposal to build a crematorium on land to the North of the former brewery in Castle Eden.

The public consultation event will be held at The Old Brewery in Castle Eden on Wednesday 13 November 2013 between 3pm and 6.30pm.

Whilst this proposal is at the early stages of development we think it is essential that members of the public have their say now prior to any possible planning application being submitted in future (although there will be a full public consultation exercise carried out as part of the planning process if a planning application is eventually submitted).

We tend to keep an open mind on planning issues until the developer has had the opportunity to tell us how they think a particular proposal will directly benefit the community and its residents.

Most importantly though, as local councillors, we want to hear what the people of Castle Eden think of this proposal so if you have any comments please don't hesitate to contact us: or