Tuesday 9 July 2013

Addressing environmental issues

Along with the parish clerk, we have met this month with the new Clean & Green manager for our area.

Over recent weeks we have both received an increased volume of complaints about a range of issues around grass cutting, litter picking and dog fouling. We recognised that environmental services were undergoing something of an overhaul at managerial level so we invited the new manager to the Resource Centre to talk a few things through, with a view to improving the service as soon as possible.

Following the meeting the new manager and the staff within his local unit are very well aware of the priority we set in dealing with environmental issues (these issues, of course, reflecting the priorities of the people in our villages). We have a clear pattern established for individual tasks such as street clearing, refuse collection, grass cutting, weed spraying and fly-tipping. We also have improved lines of communication with the clean and green team to ensure that any problems can be rectified as soon as possible.

We believe that there has been an improvement in the service during the period since our meeting, but if you are aware of any problems with environmental issues in our villages please contact us immediately.