Friday 1 March 2013

Traffic safety on the A19 Wellfield Flyover

At a recent meeting of Castle Eden Parish Council members raised concerns about traffic safety on the A19 flyover at Wellfield. There is a relatively new traffic layout here which appears to be causing some confusion with motorists and parish councillors are worried that this could cause an accident.

I have contacted the police traffic management officer and highways engineers from county hall and asked for their opinion of the issues raised. I have also requested a site meeting to consider these matters further if members so wish.

I have copied below, in full, the response received from the highways engineer. I will take this information back to members at the next parish meeting and arrange a site meeting if requested. In the meantime please let me know if you have any comments or concerns related to this matter.

Dear Rob

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

I've checked our records and we have no outstanding complaints about the junction in question.

I've also checked with the Police who have been in receipt of some concerns.

The junction layout was determined following complaints about traffic turning left from the slip road and undertaking U-turns in Castle Eden before heading westwards along the A181 and also the traffic stacking back onto the 'live' traffic lane on the A19.  There were many discussions with the Highways Agency as any change to traffic management would have a knock-on effect for the A19 and they would not accept any increase in queues especially onto the main running lanes.  In addition as the slip roads are under the control of the Highways Agency, any changes that affect the slip roads would have to be agreed with them.  If I recall, there was also only limited funding available for any improvement.

Three general options were considered, a) do nothing, b) introduce signals and c) other traffic management (which included the current double mini-spot arrangement).

a) do nothing.  This would not resolve the complaints from residents in Castle Eden to both the Council and Police.  It would also not assist in reducing stacking back of traffic down the slip road and onto the A19.  If there was a way to prevent the traffic making U-turns on the County roads, this would result in an escalation of the stacking on the A19 with the potential for high speed incidents.

b) traffic signals.  This option was modelled but found to create additional issues resulting in stacking onto the A19.  If the signals catered for flows on one slip it had a detrimental knock-on for another slip.  There is insufficient space for stacking the traffic on both the slips and A181/B1281 to accommodate the flows from the slips without problems being encountered on the A19.

c) other traffic management.  Of the layouts considered, the current double mini-roundabout when modelled was found to provide suitable traffic movement.  It assists in reducing the 'benefit' observed by motorists in making the U-turn manoeuvre and caters for the predominant traffic flows when they occur.  Whilst it is not a particularly common arrangement, it should not be beyond the comprehension of a motorist to negotiate the junction arrangement safely.  It is accepted that any arrangement no matter how good or basic is fool-proof and every attempt is made to reduce this risk when designs are made.

Anecdotal information to date indicates that the junction arrangement is working and has reduced the problems previously encountered.  Site observations have revealed the U-turn issue is not the problem it was and has been significantly reduced.  The queues on the slip road, whilst still occurring, are clearing in reasonable time.  Analysis of the accident database of recorded personal injury accidents reveals that the junction layout is not creating a serious problem - given the volume of vehicles using the junction, it is coping well and only 1 accident per year is recorded.  Whilst we would not wish to have any, given the nature of the junction, conflicting traffic flows and traffic volumes, this level of incident is low.

We have checked the traffic signage and confirm that it is appropriate to the junction layout and positioned in accordance with approach speeds and visibility.

We have also looked at a request to extend the splitter island (southbound off slip) eastwards along the location of the double white lines between the eastbound A181 and the A19 southbound off slip, to prevent vehicles from using the left lane and undertaking a U-turn round the splitter island.  Within the current carriageway layout, this is not possible as there is insufficient space between the two lanes whilst accommodating large vehicles which turn left from the A19 onto the eastbound A181/B1281.  The only way this could be accommodated is to widen the northern side of the slip for which there is no budget available.

 I hope the above is useful.