Sunday 3 March 2013

Traffic in High Hesleden

Over the last week I have received further complaints about traffic speeding through High Hesleden (see posts dated 23 April 2012, 26 June 2012, 8 September 2012 & 14 October 2012 for further details).

I have asked highways officers at county hall for the outcome of the traffic survey carried out recently in the village and I will ask the council and police to consider traffic calming measures based on this evidence.

I also intend to identify this matter as a PACT priority at the next Community Forum meeting to be held at the Resource Centre on Wednesday 13 March. Again, the outcome of any evidence gathered during this period will be used to identify the appropriate type and level of traffic calming needed in the village.

Please let me know if you have any experience of similar traffic problems in High Hesleden: or 0191 372 5821.