Monday 18 March 2013

Speeding traffic in High Hesleden

I have been contacted again by residents in High Hesleden concerned at the amount of traffic speeding through the village (see posts dated 8 September 2012, 14 October 2012 & 3 March 2013 for further details). It will be noted from these previous posts that, following a site meeting a while ago, I had the council carry out a traffic survey and I am currently awaiting the results of this so that officers can identify the most appropriate level of traffic calming measures in the village.

However, I have heard further reports of accidents and near misses in certain parts of High Hesleden recently and residents are understandably worried that there will be a more serious incident if traffic calming measures are not installed soon. I share their concerns so I have contacted the police traffic liaison officer along with the parish clerk and officers from the county council's highways section to ask for a further site meeting with me and residents as a matter of urgency.

Once I have a date and time agreed I will contact residents in High Hesleden again so that they can have a direct say on exactly what they wish to see in their village to address their concerns.

If you have any accident reports or specific comments to make about this matter please contact me: