Wednesday 12 December 2012

Blackhall Community Forum

I chaired the final Community Forum meeting of 2012 this evening at 6pm in the Resource Centre in Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery.

The main topics raised by the wardens, police and local residents were focused on environmental issues including rubbish accumulations in rear yards and flooding at Blackhall cemetery and at Chicken's Green.

Although I'm no longer a member of the parish council (who hold responsibility for the cemetery) I met last week with the parish clerk and highways drainage engineers to discuss flood-related matters in our area, including at the cemetery. The problem here is caused in part by the unique levels of rainfall over long periods this year and is affecting the farmers field at the top of the cemetery and the allotment gardens at the bottom.

The parish council had already taken pre-emptive action to limit the effects of flooding during the summer months but the flow of water through the cemetery continued to create problems. Our meeting with engineers last week identified a potential problem with drainage trenches and underground pipework throughout the immediate area, which dates from the early 1930's when the cemetery was first established. Engineers are now to investigate the network of pipes in the cemetery and the neighbouring Glenholme allotment site to identify potential blockages and also carry out remedial works where damage has occurred.

Works to address flooding problems at nearby Chicken's Green are ongoing and are reported elsewhere on this site (post dated Thursday 6 December 2012).

The problem of rubbish accumulations in the rear yards of empty, privately rented properties in Blackhall Colliery is an ongoing issue and there are many related posts elsewhere on this site. Recently though the neighbourhood wardens have adopted a proactive approach in which they patrol streets on a regular basis to identify problem areas. There are currently around 20 such cases under investigation in the village and wardens report that they feel they are tackling the problem more effectively now than before. As ever, constant vigilance is the key.

The next Community Forum is scheduled for Wednesday 9 January 2013 at 6pm in the Resource Centre.