At the latest meeting of the Blackhall Community Forum this week there were police reports of
bogus doorstep callers in a specific area of Blackhall. These do not appear to be isolated incidents as in the past I have
received similar complaints from residents in nearby streets, and last year I asked the Community Safety Partnership if a “no
cold-calling” zone could be established in this area.
Whilst looking for a solution to this problem I noticed that Morrison Facilities Services, along with the police anti-social behaviour team and East Durham Homes, has
now extended its National Doorstep Project into the Horden area. This scheme is designed to make residents feel safer in their homes by offering advice to householders and fitting door security devices to their properties.
I have contacted East Durham Homes today to ask that Morrison and other interested
parties consider Blackhall for inclusion in
the next phase of their project, expected at some time in the new year.