Wednesday 29 August 2012

Suggestions sought for Skate Park site

Previous posts on this site have referred to a public petition for a skate park in our area (see posts dated 3 May 2012 & 11 June 2012 for further details). 

The petition was initially discussed at a meeting of the Blackhall Community Youth Project steering group where I asked that it be referred to the Blackhall Regeneration Partnership to identify the implications associated with a scheme of this nature. Some of the early issues discussed included possible sources of finance and the potential site for a skate park in the event that funding can be secured. 

Potential funding sources are currently being explored and I will be meeting next week with the petitioners, along with representatives from Groundwork and the parish council, to identify possible sites which do not present land ownership problems or which will not have a negative impact on nearby residents or facilities.

I would like the partnership to consider as many potential sites as possible (even those which may appear at first to be problematic) so if you have any ideas or suggestions please let me know or contact the parish clerk at the Resource Centre on 0191 518 4900.