Wednesday 29 August 2012

Station Town Matters

I received a complaint late last week about the general condition of parts of Station Town.

One issue related to broken fencing in the middle of the Newholme estate and I have asked East Durham Homes and the council to investigate. They have confirmed this morning that the racecourse fencing is to be repaired where damaged and replaced where missing.

Other complaints related to horses tethered on open grass on the same estate and also at Dormand Court. These have been reported by East Durham Homes estate wardens to the relevant department at the council.

I have also received confirmation recently that grass is to be cut in those areas I raised last month as a concern and, in the case of Rodridge Lane, the grassed area has been cut back and has been included on the council's rota for regular attention in future.

Please let me know if there are any similar issues of concern in your area and I will make the necessary arrangements.