Sunday 22 July 2012

Worst of the coalition cuts to come!

I have maintained from the outset that the Tory-led coalition's cuts in public spending run far too deep and are focused unfairly on working people rather than the global banking system which caused the economic crisis in the first place. 

Clearly the cuts are driven by an ideology intent on benefiting the Tories' friends in the private sector at the expense of jobs and services in the public sector.

This view has been supported consistently by the unions and the rest of the labour movement and now it seems that established institutions such as the IMF are cottoning on to the scam (see the Morning Star article reproduced above).

My fears are that the cuts so far represent the thin end of the wedge and that future cuts in public spending will cause irreparable damage to our councils, schools, hospitals and communities. It is clear to me that if the Tory-led coalition is re-elected in 2015 we will witness an unprecedented attack on our way of life as state support for the most needy in society is ripped apart to allow for big business to step into the breach and exploit our services in pursuit of private profit....and we all know where that leads!