Monday 2 July 2012

Planning Application Withdrawn at High Hesleden

Early last month I published a post on this site outlining a planning application for a stable block and barn on land adjacent to the road from High Hesleden to Monk Hesleden (see blog dated 12 June 2012 for full details). 

I suggested at the time that that the application contained very little information and thereby proved potentially contentious for residents in the village and said that I would make further enquiries through the planning case officer.

Following further investigation planning officers have now confirmed that the application, which was due to be heard at the planning committee at county hall on 10 July, has now been withdrawn by the applicant.

I have no general objection to sustainable development as I feel that each application ought to be decided on its individual merits as contained in the planning report. However I also think that the community must be fully engaged at every opportunity when a planning application is submitted and to this end I will ensure wherever possible that residents are kept up to date with developments.

Please let me know if you have any particular concerns about proposed development or planning issues in your area.