Friday 29 June 2012

Miliband at 2012 Durham Big Meeting

Click on the link above for the original article in The Guardian

 Ed Miliband has cheered up his northern troops by announcing that he will speak at the Durham Miners Gala on Bastille Day this year.

He lost out all round last July by dropping out because of other commitments, which was widely taken as a euphemism for avoiding appearing on the same bill as the fiery railworkers' leader Bob Crow.

That upset party activists without especially impressing the middle ground, leaving the juggling act familiar to all Labour leaders in disarray. Warmth this time will be correspondingly widespread. It's natural, surely, for the party's top man to appear at the Big Meeting, just as you expect to see Conservative leaders at comparable jollifications in the shires.

Actually, no. Miliband will be the first Labour leader for 23 years to speak at the Gala one of those symbolic morsels of fact which will spice up political histories in years to come. For years, the name and associations of the event had all the connotations which New Labour least wanted to embrace.

In reality, it is a grand day out for all the family, rich in history, colour and of course music, extremely good-natured and, as is often the way with long-lived political events, a focus for the changing views and strategies of radicals and reformers. Miliband's fellow-speakers on 14 July, for instance, will include Shami Chakrabarti, director of  Liberty, as well as John Hendy, the  QC, nick-named 'the miners' brief' and Tom Watson MP, the scourge of the Murdochs.

Instead of heading for the doldrums, as looked its fate after Neil Kinnock made the last Labour leader's speech there in 1989, the Gala is now the UK's biggest regular union fixture and popular with contemporary musicians as well as the lovely brass bands. Welcoming Miliband's decision, Dave Hopper, the secretary of the Durham Miners' Association, tells the Northern Echo:

It is the natural place, in my opinion, for the Labour Party leader to be. Hopefully, it has ended a very barren period where a number of people thought that it was wrong to come here. I think he will do himself more good than harm.

Hopper acknowledges the effective boycott under John Smith, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, adding:

One or two of them tried to change the party; change the politics. They thought that we were just old dinosaurs who did not mean anything. But contrary to most people's expectations the Gala is more important now than it has ever been.

Let's hope he will tell us we are going to be the next government and we are going to fight these Tories and fights these attacks on the working class.

A spokesman for Labour in the region says:

The Big Meeting is one of the highlights of the Labour movement's calendar and we look forward to welcoming Ed to Durham in the summer for what I'm sure will be an enjoyable day.

Whatever your politics, get it in your diary. The atmosphere is infectious and Durham is a lovely place.