Sunday 22 July 2012

Labour Party Candidate Profile: Rob Crute

I am delighted to have been selected again by the Blackhall Labour Party to stand as a candidate at the next county council elections in May 2013.

I have been a member of the Labour Party since the Miners' Strike of 1984-85 and have over the last 25 years represented the party at all levels of local government  being first elected to Monk Hesleden Parish Council in 1987, then the former Easington District Council in 1996 and the new unitary Durham County Council in 2008.

In that time I have played a leading and active role in many local campaigns (some of which are covered elsewhere on this blog site) and learned at an early stage that the key to being a strong and effective councillor is putting the people of your community first at all times.

I believe that it is vital that the villages within the Blackhall ward maintain their strong links with the Labour Party as it is only through collective action that we can ensure the best possible future for our people and communities. For example, two years ago as a result of the coalition's funding cuts, the council was forced to seek cuts in its services. Blackhall library, along with ten others across the county, was earmarked for closure so I met with a number of members at county hall and drafted a resolution which I submitted to the Labour Group. This was supported by a clear majority of members and had the effect of keeping those eleven libraries open. This could not be achieved by an independent councillor who does not have sufficient influence within the political structure to run a successful campaign.

I know that in myself and Lynn Pounder the Labour Party has chosen a very strong partnership to contest the next county council election. We come from a similar background and share the same values of solidarity, justice and fairness and we look forward to representing the people of the Blackhall ward together after May 2013.

Over the coming months you will see the campaign develop within our communities but in the meantime if you have any comments or wish to raise any issue with me please get in touch in the usual way.