Wednesday 20 June 2012

Proposals for new facilities at Crimdon

I have asked for a meeting with officers from the Durham Heritage Coast Partnership and the East Durham Area Action Partnership (AAP) to discuss proposals for a new cafeteria and toilet block at Crimdon.

I believe it is vital that every effort is made to re-develop Crimdon to its full potential to act as a catalyst for further regeneration in the area and also to encourage tourism. The proposed new facilities will also link to the ongoing coastal pathways project and create new job and apprenticeship opportunities.

You may be aware from posts elsewhere on this site that I have campaigned persistently for a rail halt or station in our area and I will continue to pursue this option as part of a wider regeneration plan for.

The next step will be to identify funding for the toilet and cafeteria plans and I will keep you informed of developments as they arise but please let me know if you have any suggestions you would like to make in the meantime.