Tuesday 15 May 2012

Road Signs

I have received many complaints recently about traffic signs sprouting up all over Blackhall - often in places people don't want them and usually in the most unsuitable location.

Some weeks ago I asked for signs to be put up on Hesleden Road in Blackhall to direct vehicles to parking facilities at the community centre. This was to alleviate parking problems on Middle Street on the introduction of new parking restrictions there.

The signs were eventually erected - directing vehicles to the nearby medical centre! 

Obviously this created huge problems with drivers assuming (quite understandably) that they were entitled to park at the medical centre whilst doing their shopping, thus limiting parking for patients and medical staff.

After weeks of haggling and harassing highways officers at county hall I persuaded them to relocate the unwanted signs. Unfortunately they were put up on the pavement directly opposite the community centre - directly in the line of vision of residents in the bungalows. 

Back to the drawing board!

If you have any problems with inappropriate or incorrectly positioned road signs in your area please let me know.