Wednesday 18 January 2012

Parking in Middle Street, Blackhall

I have received a lot of positive comments from the public this week following measures adopted recently to reduce the problem of illegal parking in Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery.

I was contacted a few weeks before Christmas by members of the public concerned at the amount of illegal parking outside of the shops. Many were worried that an accident seemed almost inevitable as drivers mounted the kerb and onto the busy pavement to park their vehicles. They also recognised the impact this had on the ability of blue badge holders to park near to the shops.

I immediately contacted the civil parking enforcement section at county hall asking them to increase patrols in the area to initially warn motorists that parking restrictions were in place and could now be enforced (you might remember there were a number of issues around the legality of the yellow lines on Middle Street as a result of poor reinstatement work a few years ago).

Patrols by the civil enforcement officers (once more sensibly known as traffic wardens, but now operated by a private company called NSL) were focused on the affected area outside of the shops and the result appears to have been something of a success - at least at this early stage.

I have also asked that motorists be directed to the parking bays at the pit wheel and also to the  car park at the community centre which can be used by the general public as well as centre users. Traffic direction signs have also been put up at the junction of Hesleden Road and Middle Street to help with this.

Naturally I don't want to see motorists fined for using the facilities in Blackhall but equally I think it only fair that people are able walk along Middle Street in relative safety - especially considering that it is a main route to the primary school.