Over the past few weeks residents will have noticed that double-yellow lines have been installed or reinstated at a number locations throughout Blackhall Colliery. This includes outside Airlie House and on the junction of Hesleden Road and Middle Street, and follows calls from several residents for something to be done to address their concerns about obstructive parking that causes bottle-necks and restricts the view of drivers when pulling out of side streets and onto the main road.
These measures have been welcomed, but a few residents have been in touch to tell me about their concerns about the way some of the lines have been applied. This relates mainly to the road at the Hesleden Road junction and also at the side of Airlie House at the top of First Street where the lines appear to have been hastily applied or missed altogether.
I’ve raised those concerns with the highways department with a request that the lines at the side of Airlie House are reinstated properly and that those at the bottom of Hesleden Road are edged-off to make them look neater.
Following additional issues raised by residents about problem parking at some locations I’ve also asked the parking enforcement team to increase patrols in the area to make sure that drivers are parking responsibly and in places where they are not causing an obstruction.