Last month I published details of ongoing road marking works to prohibit parking at certain locations in Blackhall Colliery where residents had raised their concerns about obstructive parking practices. This included highway patching works in the lane outside St Joseph's RC Primary School to enable the highways authority to reinstate faded road markings at the main entrance to the school. Full background details can be found in this link: Road repairs and markings for St Joseph's RC Primary School
I have now received formal notification from the council's highways maintenance section confirming that works will be carried out during the school holidays to minimise disruption to the staff and children. This means the road directly outside the school will be temporarily closed between 7.30am and 3.30pm each day from Monday 24 February until Friday 28 February.
I've asked the council for an assurance that disruption for residents in the Aged Miners' Home opposite the school will be kept at an absolute minimum and I've been told that all potentially affected residents will be notified in advance of the works taking place. I've also been given an assurance that there will be access for emergency service vehicles at all times.
If you have any comments or queries about these works please get in touch with me and I'll make sure you get the information you need: