Sunday, 12 January 2025

Progress on repairing a collapsed wall at Coronation Avenue

Last month I published an article on these pages giving an update on attempts to urge a landowner to take responsibility for the unacceptable condition of privately-owned land next to Coronation Avenue.

This was after a wall collapsed into the lane last year, and followed reports from residents nearby that the land remained untidy and open to fly-tippers. In addition residents reported vermin coming from the land. Full background details can be found here: Collapsed wall and untidy land at Coronation Avenue 

Since then I've worked alongside the relevant authorities to urge the private company that owns the land to put things right. This included contact with the council's neighbourhood wardens, the clean and green team and any other agency with an interest in this matter.

As a result there are signs of progress at last after the landowner gave an assurance last week that works would be carried out soon to rebuild the wall and bring the land behind it back to an acceptable condition.

In addition, I've contacted the council's community protection team and the community action team (CAT) who will be starting an 11-week project later this month to tackle a range of environmental issues. I've suggested that the some of the issues associated with this location and the streets nearby are considered as a particular focus as part of the wider project.

I'll update on progress with this issue in due course. I'll also report on developments with the CAT project as it develops over the coming weeks, but in the meantime you can find full details of the CAT scheme in an article published on this site last week: Community Action Team project in Blackhall Colliery