Tuesday 23 July 2024

Blackhall Rocks residents petition for improved traffic-calming measures

Last month I published a post about a road safety issue in Blackhall Rocks after it was raised with me at one of our monthly ward surgeries. When we met at the surgery in June a resident told me about the concerns he had about how speed humps on Station Road had been rendered ineffective after they were reduced in height to enable a royal visit some time ago. Full background details can be found in the article published on 21 June: https://robcrute-blackhall.blogspot.com/2024/06/highways-issues-at-station-road-in.html?m=0

After we’d discussed this issue in detail at one of the June ward surgeries in the Parish Office (formerly the Resource Centre) I submitted another request to the council asking the highways department to take remedial measures to restore the humps to their original condition. At the same time the resident I met with suggested he would organise a local petition setting out residents’ concerns and asking for improvements to the speed humps.

We met again at the latest ward surgery last week where the resident handed me a petition signed by almost 100 Blackhall Rocks residents who expressed their concerns about the increased volume of traffic using Station Road and the amount of drivers exceeding the legal speed limit for that stretch of road.

I took the petition to County Hall later that morning and handed it to the democratic services office on behalf of the petitioners. The petition was validated on the spot and sent over to the highways services office for a formal reply. 

Before I submitted the petition I attached a covering letter confirming that Stacey and I as the local members were both in full support of the petition and the residents who signed it.

As with all petitions submitted to the council there is a 28-day timeframe for a formal response from the service setting out their intentions. I’ll update on that response as soon as it’s published, and in light of the comments from the service, we’ll take a look at our options on how we want to progress the campaign to make Station Road safer for local residents and visitors.