Thursday 8 February 2024

Calls for effective speed restrictions on Hesleden Road

I've received additional complaints recently from several residents concerned about speeding vehicles on Hesleden Road in Blackhall Colliery. This relates mainly to the section between Brockwell at the top of the bank and the A1086 junction on Middle Street at the bottom.

There are already speed humps installed at a couple of locations on the road, but they have proved ineffective against speeding cars and bikes, and because they meet the maximum permissible height of 70mm they cannot be legally raised. 

There are several young families living on either side of Hesleden Road, and naturally residents are concerned that an accident caused by a handful of irresponsible drivers or reckless off-road bike riders is almost inevitable. With that in mind I've contacted the council’s highways department to ask them to consider an alternative form of speed restrictions that would be more effective in addressing residents' concerns.

I'll update on progress as soon as I have more information from the service.