Tuesday 6 February 2024

B1281 Blackhall to Hesleden footpath repair works confirmed

Last month I published an update on progress with a series of ongoing safety improvements taking place along the B1281 between Blackhall Colliery and Hesleden. In that article I referred specifically to much-needed resurfacing works to the public footpath, something that the council seemed reluctant to do despite my persistent calls for repairs to be carried out. Background details can be found in the link here: https://robcrute-blackhall.blogspot.com/2024/01/pedestrian-safety-on-b1281-between.html

Because of significant damage caused by a burst pipe at the mid-point of the footpath, and erosion caused by pooled water in a number of other locations, emergency works to repair a lengthy section of the footpath were carried out towards the end of last year at my request. Since those works were completed one of the priorities of residents was to have the rest of the footpath surface repaired to bring it up to a comparable standard. 

I've continued to raise concerns with highways officers about the poor condition of the footpath on a number of occasions over the past couple of months, but for some reason inspectors seemed to find the surface acceptable. However after further calls recently for repairs to be carried out, along with an offer to meet highways inspectors on site to discuss the issue further, I've now received confirmation that resurfacing works along this stretch of footpath are scheduled to begin before the end of this financial year (ie, by the end of March 2024).

I'm aware there are other sections of damaged public footpaths in our patch that require attention too, and I'll continue to press highways inspectors for repairs to be carried out as soon as possible.