Friday 5 January 2024

Temporary Road Closure in First Street, Blackhall Colliery

I have been notified this morning that a Temporary Road Closure Order has been issued by Durham County Council to enable Northumbrian Water to carry out urgent works in the lane behind First Street in Blackhall Colliery.

The Order has been issued on the terms set out in the notice below and will take effect for a period of up to 5 days:

First Street (rear), Blackhall Colliery Urgent Temporary Road Closure Notice I refer to your notification relating to the urgent works being carried out by Northumbrian Water at the above location. 

The immediate/urgent restrictions will be effected by a Notice under Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. 

The Notice will be effective from Friday 5th January 2024 for a maximum period of 5 consecutive days (includes weekends). 

It will be necessary for you to comply with the provisions of the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Procedures Regulations 1992 which require that: - (i) A copy of the Temporary Closure Notice shall be displayed in a prominent position at each end of the length of the road to which the Notice relates and at the points at which it will be necessary to diverge from the road. (ii) Each such copy shall be displayed throughout the period during which the temporary prohibition is in force and all reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that the Notices remain in a legible condition and continue to be so displayed for so long as the Notice remains in force and are promptly replaced as often as occasion requires during that period. 

In addition, you must provide and maintain at each end of the length of road the subject of restriction, and at suitable points along the diversionary route for pedestrian traffic, appropriate closure and diversion signs which accord with Chapter 8 of the Department of Transport Traffic Signs Manual. The provision of the signs, and their maintenance should be undertaken by a reputable traffic management company.