Thursday 21 December 2023

Update on Hesleden issues - December 2023

Over the past couple of weeks I've been dealing with a number of issues raised by residents in Hesleden. These include concerns about an effluence of potentially contaminated water close to the lines and reports of damage caused to public open spaces by off-road bikes. 

Please see below the latest developments on these matters.

Separate agencies investigating reports of contaminated water:

Following concerns raised by a resident about a potentially contaminated water course in the village I contacted the relevant agencies with a request that they carry out an investigation. The matter has now been referred to the Environments Agency, and also the Public Health and Drainage teams at DCC for their attention. 

Please see details below as recorded by the Environmental Health & Consumer Protection office at county hall, along with the initial response from the Environment Agency. I'll update on developments as soon as I have more information from the authorities:

Please refer this to the Environment Agency's incident hotline, 0800 80 70 60. Also refer it to Public Health and Housing. Also please refer it to the DCC Drainage Manger. This may be relevant to both teams but they will be able to assess that.

Any pollution to watercourses can be reported to our 24 hour Freephone Incident Hotline on 0800 80 70 60. The hotline is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and can deal with your report straight away. You can remain anonymous if you wish to.

Alternatively, please respond with details of what has happened and where (nearest postcode, What3words or grid reference, including all information about the incident which may be useful so we can investigate.

Damage caused by off-road bikes on public open spaces in and around the village:

Last week a resident contacted me to report damage to the grassed areas around Station Road, Hillcrest Place and East Terrace, apparently caused by off-road bikes. 

The open land at this location is owned and maintained by Believe Housing and when I raised concerns with them on behalf of residents I was told that officers at BH have referred this issue to their Estate Management Team for their attention.

Burnt-out vehicle:

A vehicle in Church Street was damaged a few weeks ago and the burnt-out remains were parked up outside the flats nearby. Following contact from a resident I raised the matter with the police who have since confirmed that the matter is currently being dealt with by the insurance company. I have asked that the vehicle is removed at the earliest opportunity.

I have been told this morning (Thursday 21 December) that the vehicle is scheduled to be removed shortly after Christmas.

Hillcrest Place/Station Road informal open space:

The land at this location is was once under lease by the parish council. However, I'm advised by the parish clerk that this is no longer the case. A parish councillor has had told me that he will refer this matter to a future parish meeting for deliberation.

Wagons travelling through the village:

I received reports recently that wagons from the pit heap site were being driven through the village (ie, along Front Street, White Crescent and Myra Avenue) rather than via the agreed route along Gray Avenue and onto the B1281. Understandably there are concerns that this poses a risk to traffic safety in the village.

The planning officer has suggested that no such agreement is in place, but signage in the village would suggest otherwise. The planning team has been asked to look into this matter and then advise the company to ask its drivers to use the correct route into and out of the village.