Wednesday 29 November 2023

Local Government Boundary Review - Final Recommendations

Around this time last year I published an article about the Local Government Boundary Commission’s review into local government electoral arrangements in County Durham. You can find background details here:

Following an earlier round of public consultation it had been agreed that the number of councillors on Durham County Council would reduce from the current 126 to 98. The next stage of the review was then to recommend the shape and size of each local ward or division.

That element of the review has now concluded and the Boundary Commission has published its final recommendations which will be put in place in time for the next local government elections scheduled to take place in May 2025. However, the Boundary Commission's proposals must first be endorsed by Parliament [in the form of a Local Government Boundary Committee draft order] before they can take full effect.

Full details of the final recommendations, and what they'll mean for you can be found in the Boundary Commission’s document published this morning:
final_recommendations_long_report.pdf (