Thursday 21 September 2023

Landlord licensing scheme to focus on Blackhall

I've published several articles on these pages over the past few years describing how the council's Selective Licensing Scheme (SLS) can have a positive impact in our villages by bringing much needed regulation and accountability to the private-rented housing sector - but only if it's established quickly and managed effectively. The SLS is a time-limited scheme, and every day counts if it's to work for the benefit of our communities.

Background details can be found in this link:

From the feedback I've received since the idea of an SLS was first mentioned residents broadly welcome the introduction of the scheme in our area, but they're frustrated that it doesn't seem to be having a discernible impact since it was first rolled-out. That reflects my own concerns that the council isn't acting quickly enough to establish the programme.

I've continued to raise residents' concerns with the council about how the slow the programme is being rolled-out, especially in places in like Blackhall and the rest of East Durham where it can make a significant difference to the quality of housing in our villages and towns, and bring improvements to the streets and surrounding area.

Last month I raised these concerns again in an overview and scrutiny meeting held in county hall, where I told officers in the housing team that the general public were fully behind a licensing programme that would hold (mainly absent) private-sector landlords responsible for the condition of their properties and accountable for the behaviour of their residents. However, I added that those same residents were concerned that less than one-third of the landlords across the county had been registered with the SLS since its introduction in April last year.

Thankfully the council appears to be reacting in the way I would expect, because earlier this month I received confirmation that the SLS team will be focusing on signing-up landlords in the Blackhall area for six weeks from next Monday, 25 September 2023. I've posted full details below:

We are moving to Blackhall as the next area of the  delivery plan from 25th September 2023 for six weeks. The main focus will be Blackhall Colliery North but also taking in the wider areas of Blackhall Rocks North, Blackhall Rocks South.

We will be focusing on ensuring any properties without licenses are so licensed and will be contacting  owners of unlicensed properties. In addition we will be carrying out targeted work based on intelligence around landlords and properties of concern. Could you let me know if you have any addresses, landlords or residents of private rented properties that are problematic.

Should you require any further information or wish to discuss further please do not hesitate to get in touch and I will respond upon my return. Alternatively please contact Housing Team Leader.

I'll update on progress with the scheme, as soon as I have more information from the council.