Wednesday 20 September 2023

Council to take enforcement action against pit heap developer

Last week I published an article on these pages defining the ‘risk’ the developer would be undertaking if extraction works were to continue at the former pit heap in Hesleden in contravention of the council’s decision on Monday 11 September to refuse planning consent for the site:

In subsequent posts I’ve set out details of a scheduled joint meeting between planning officers and the legal team to decide how the council will react to reports we’ve raised on behalf of residents that the developer appeared to be continuing to extract and remove minerals from the site without the benefit of planning consent:

I’ve received confirmation from the planning team today that the council has decided to proceed with enforcement action against the developer to ensure that they comply with the ruling of the county planning committee. 

Details are unknown at the moment so I’ve asked the planning officers to let me know about the form of enforcement action available to the council, and I’ll update on progress as soon as I have more information.