Tuesday 5 September 2023

Highways defects repaired in Park Avenue

Following a resident’s request for an update on highway repairs in Park Avenue, Blackhall Colliery I contacted the highways team to check on progress.

By return I received confirmation that all defects had been addressed some time ago. I’ve published the response received in full below:

Please see below an email and photographs which the team has provided about the road repairs in Park Avenue.

All actionable defects have been repaired. See attached photo. The lads have been back on numerous occasions to do the potholes.

The Highways Team consider the reported works to be complete. If you believe that further works are needed, please let me know and I will log these on the CRM.

If you are aware of any additional defects at this location or any other please contact me (preferably with images of the defects) and I’ll forward them to the highways section for inspection.