Sunday 27 August 2023

Latest weekly update on local issues

Just in case you missed them first time around I’ve re-published below a few selected articles covering some of the issues I’ve been dealing with over the past week or so in county hall and in our community.

They range from a new local Anti Social Behaviour and Crime Initiative established in Blackhall to a looming public service funding crisis and a police update on reports of motorists breaking the speed limit at Blackhall Rocks. 

1. New multi-agency Anti Social Behaviour & Crime Initiative established in Blackhall:

2. Police response to reports of motorists breaking the speed limit at Blackhall Rocks:

3. Continuing government austerity risks collapse in council and public services:

4. Council’s unacceptable response to concerns about a damaged and dangerous footpath:

**Get in touch with me direct please if you have any comments or queries about these or any other local issues: