Sunday 27 August 2023

Deliberate littering incident in Blackhall

A group of people with nothing else better to do, and clearly with no respect for our community, thought it would be a good idea to tip waste bins over last night** at Thornton Terrace and again on the B1281 heading out of the village.

Thankfully a community-spirited resident from Thornton Terrace was already busy clearing the rubbish away from the bus stop by the time I got there earlier this morning. However the rubbish along the B1281, although much less in volume, has become strewn across a bend at the bottom of the road leaving it too much of a risk to clear away immediately.

I’ve reported these incidents to the authorities this morning for their attention and with a request that the rubbish is removed as soon as possible. 

**I’m told by neighbours that the incidents occurred at around 10.45 last night.