Tuesday 16 May 2023

The Seagull at Crimdon

Regular readers of these pages will know from previous articles over the years that I’ve persistently pressed the council to encourage the owners of The Seagull to bring the building and surrounding land up to an acceptable standard. 

Since the property became vacant some time ago scores of comments and complaints from local residents and visitors alike bear testament to the degree of public discontent over the poor condition of the property and the impact it has on visitors coming to our part of the world. 

Following receipt of another complaint from a resident earlier this week I’ve written to the council again to ask them to review the background to this issue and then consider all options in planning a way to bring the building and the land back up to an acceptable standard. 

Although the property is in private hands, and its maintenance is ultimately the responsibility of its owners, I think the time has come for the council to step up a gear and work alongside all agencies to make this part of Crimdon attractive again to residents and visitors alike. 

I’ll update on progress as soon as I have more information from the authorities.