Friday 13 January 2023

Next steps taken towards tackling dangerous driving and parking practices on Middle Street

Regular readers of these pages will be aware that for some time Stacey and I have been pursuing a workable scheme to address residents' concerns about parking and dangerous driving practices outside the shops on Middle Street. 

Background details can be found in this link:

From listening to residents we know that inconsiderate parking at this location is a problem. However most additional comments we've received recently have also expressed growing concerns about vehicles driving along the public footpath outside the shops. In other words, residents are telling us that although parking is an issue the priority should be to install ‘hard’ measures to physically prevent people driving onto and along the footpath. 

It should go without saying that driving on a public footpath under any circumstances is dangerous. Yet some people seem to think it's acceptable to risk the safety of others just to save themselves a short walk. On the other hand, everyone who has contacted us about this issue insists that they should be able to go about their daily business without the risk of being hit by a moving vehicle. 

People feel very strongly that public safety should come before personal convenience.

In my most recent article on this matter I referred to a site meeting we'd arranged before Christmas (please see details in the link above). Stacey and I have now met on site with the parish clerk and other relevant agencies to show highways officers the extent and the potentially catastrophic impact of dangerous driving practices in public spaces. 

As it happens there were a few near misses outside the shops while we were actually stood in the footpath - with one vehicle almost reversing into a highways officer while the driver attempted to pull out into the face of oncoming traffic. This incident alone reinforced our message that something must be done sooner rather than later - especially given the difficulties we've come across to date trying to find an acceptable, workable solution.

Highways officers have assured us they’re confident there's a workable scheme to address these issues, and they've submitted ideas to the design section to come up with a solution that retains access to the shops for those who genuinely need it, at the same time as preventing vehicles driving along the public footpath. 

I'll update on progress when I have completed details from the highways and design teams. In the meantime I've asked the parking enforcement team to continue giving this location an increased presence for the foreseeable future.