Friday 9 December 2022

Round-up of local issues - 9 December 2022

Please go to the links below for updates on just a few of the local issues I’ve been dealing with over the past week or so. If there are any issues in your neighbourhood that you’d like me or Stacey to know about please get in touch with us at: or

Road safety on the B1281 between Blackhall and Hesleden:

Following a vehicle collision on Wednesday 7 December I contacted the highways authority to ask if they would carry out a road safety review on the B1281 between Blackhall Colliery and Hesleden to see if any additional signage or traffic control measures could have prevented either of the two recent accidents along this stretch of road. Details in the link below:

Derelict land at Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery:

Residents raised additional concerns about the condition of the privately-owned land on Middle Street. Full details can be found in the link below:

Hesleden pit heap update:

The link below contains the latest update on residents' concerns about delays to the planning application to extend the time period allowed to remove spoil from the pit heap at Hesleden:

Misleading rumours about Hesleden pit heap:

A false rumour was circulating last week suggesting that the pit heap at Hesleden was about to be converted into two separate quarries and two waste disposal sites. This appears to have been caused by a resident misunderstanding a report in the local newspaper. Go to the link below for full details:

Excess mud on the B1281 at Blackhall Colliery:

The highways authority's compliance officer intervened after I took up residents' concerns about mud and clay on one half of the carriageway near the ongoing housing development on the B1281.

Background details and the latest update can be found in the link below:

Drainage works at Aspatria Avenue completed:

A damaged drain had been causing water to flow down the footpath between Aspatria Avenue and Corry Close and then pool in the road at the bottom. Residents were concerned that this could create slipping problems in freezing weather. I took this up with the relevant authorities and the issue has now been resolved. Full details can be found in the link below:

Options on parking at School Avenue and Park Avenue:

Parking enforcement officers have responded to the concerns I raised on behalf of residents about parking in the back lane between School Avenue and Park Avenue:

Christmas Tree lighting at Blackhall Colliery:

The community and local schoolchildren came together on Monday evening to switch on the Christmas Tree lights at Chicken's Green:

Christmas Tree lighting at Hesleden:

After Monday's Christmas Tree switch on in Blackhall Colliery on Monday night the staff and children from Hesleden Primary school gathered together with residents to light up their Christmas Tree on the village green: