Monday 28 November 2022

Weekly round-up of local issues: 27 November 2022

Please go to the links below for updates on progress with some of the local issues I’ve been dealing with over the past week or so.

If there are any issues in your location that you’d like either me or Stacey to know about please get in touch with us at: or

Unsafe property at 21 Third Street

I was contacted last week by the neighbourhood wardens confirming that the private property in Third Street in Blackhall Colliery had been made safe and that the landlord had been made aware of any outstanding issues.

Pavements and public footpaths at Hatherley Square and Middle Street

The highways section confirmed earlier this week that the potentially dangerous pavements and public footpaths had been included in the current works programme for repair.

The inspector has estimated the response time for scheduled repairs to be 2 weeks for the Middle Street location and 10 weeks for the pavement at Hatherley Square.

Chicane/steps at Station Town

Neighbourhood wardens and the council’s Clean & Green team confirmed that the steps approaching the chicane on the B1280 at Station Town had been cleared. In addition the highways section is considering options in dealing with the damaged chicane.

Review of Local Government Boundaries

The Local Government Boundary Commission is currently seeking the views of the public on a review of local government boundaries across the Durham County Council administrative area:

Safety scheme at Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery:

A safety scheme intended to prevent vehicles driving along the public footpath outside the shops on Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery has moved a step closer this week following a meeting with officers from the council’s regeneration section:

Park Avenue

The highways department has responded to a query about collapsible, drop-down bollards installed to prevent unauthorised vehicles driving illegally along the public footpath at Park Avenue. 

It appears the resident has misunderstood the reasons for the bollards being installed so the council has explained the background and process involved. Full details below:

Parking issues at School Avenue and Park Avenue

In relation to the item above I’ve raised a resident’s concerns about parking issues in the lane between Park Avenue and School Avenue:

Christmas Tree lighting events at Blackhall and Hesleden:

The annual Christmas Tree lighting events are due to be held at Blackhall and Hesleden at 4pm* on Monday 5 December and Tuesday 6 December respectively. Full details can be found in the link below.

*Please note that traditionally the tree lighting ceremonies are timed to fit in with the staff and children from our local schools who are an essential part of both events.

Overgrown hedges at Fillpoke Lane

Following concerns expressed by residents about the roadside verge and hedge growing into the road at the junction of Fillpoke Lane and the A1086 Coast Road I’ve asked for the overgrowth at this location to be cut back and made safe as soon as possible.