Tuesday 29 November 2022

Options on parking issues at Park Avenue and School Avenue

Earlier this month I contacted the authorities to report a resident’s concerns about parking in and around the back lane between School Avenue and Park Avenue in Blackhall Colliery. Details can be found in the link below:

I have now received a response clarifying the current position which essentially suggests that if residents have concerns about obstruction or parking offences at this location they should contact the police. If residents would prefer to consider the adoption of specific measures to restrict parking they can contact the strategic highways department setting out their requirements. However, residents should be aware of the potential implications for their neighbours as set out in the response which is published below:

Hi Rob,


I’ve been in contact with Parking Services regarding this and they have sent a response to say that they have looked at the area and unfortunately as there are no parking restrictions in place, they are unable to carry out any enforcement.


They also provided the following information - the legislation that allows the Council to issue notices to vehicles contravening parking restrictions specifically excludes DCC from being able to enforce offences such as dangerous parking and obstruction. The power to enforce these offences lies with Durham Constabulary and consequently enforcement action may only be undertaken by a Police Officer. 


Our team are responsible for parking offences where there are restrictions on the public highway such as: 

•             Single/Double Yellow Lines

•             Disabled Bays 

•             Loading Bays 

•             School Keep Clears 

•             Bus Stop Clearways


The police are responsible for parking offences where there are no restrictions on the public highway such as: 

•             Dangerous parking e.g. parking close to a junction 

•             Obstruction of the carriageway e.g. blocking traffic, preventing access/egress from property 

•             Obstruction of the pavements e.g. blocking pedestrians such as wheelchair users, parents with prams, children going to school etc. 


Parking Services also noted that if the Council is to consider adopting measures such as double yellow lines, this would need to be requested via the Strategic Traffic department, however, it is worth noting that if such measures were implemented, this would also impact on residents wishing to park there.



BACKSTORY: Please follow the links in this article for full background details on this matter: https://robcrute-blackhall.blogspot.com/2022/11/drop-down-bollards-at-park-avenue.html