Wednesday 23 November 2022

Safety scheme for Middle Street a step closer

Stacey and I have made progress in securing a workable scheme to prevent vehicles from driving onto the public footpath to park outside the shops in Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery. 

This follows residents raising their concerns that an accident is highly likely to happen if something isn’t done to physically prevent drivers from carrying out this dangerous practice. For back ground details please see the article published on this site last week:

By way of an update on progress Stacey and I met with an officer from the council’s regeneration service earlier this week to first of all raise our concerns on behalf of residents, and also to look at which options are available to address residents fears of an accident. We were informed that because the footpath is too narrow in parts to limit problem parking without restricting access for pushchairs, prams and wheelchairs a previous scheme was considered by highways officers to be undeliverable and that another one would need to be designed.

The officer acknowledged the urgency of the situation and has agreed to arrange a site meeting to take place so that the relevant authorities can see for themselves what the main dangers are, and then install a scheme as soon as possible to eliminate the risk associated with vehicles driving on the public footpath.

Because of residents’ concerns we have asked for urgency from the council and partner agencies in dealing with this scheme, and in return we have been assured that progress will be made without any unnecessary delay. With this in mind we are hopeful that an initial site meeting will be held early next month.

I’ll update on further progress as soon as I have more information from the authorities following the site meeting, but in the meantime if you’re a car or van driver please park safely away from the shops on Middle Street if you’re able to, and in all cases please take care to avoid driving onto the public footpath.

**As mentioned in previous articles there are plenty of off-street and other locations to park safely when you’re visiting the shops and other businesses in Blackhall Colliery: